12 Days of X-Math -  Math games for winter break

12 Days of X-Math - Math games for winter break

December 1, 2015

12 days of x-math '15

First Day of X-Math

Supplies: MANGO playing cards, remove the MANGO cards.  In a regular deck remove face cards and have Ace = 1.  1 to 2 players.

Student draws one card from the pile and sets it to the side, face up, this is your “base card”, the number on the card will be added or multiplied by every card in the deck.  

Remainder of deck is placed face down on the table.  This is the “draw pile”.  

Taking turns, student draw one card from the draw pile and places that card face up next to the base card.  The players then adds or multiplies that number to the base card. They will say the sum or product as quickly as possible (do not allow finger counting to reach total.)  If correct the player keeps the card, if incorrect the number stays on the pile.

Because a deck of cards has four numbers, one of each suit, players will come across the same number four times.  This is great for learning math facts by  allowing students the opportunity to get correct answer on second, third or fourth try.  

2nd Day of X-Math

Supplies: MANGO playing cards, remove the MANGO cards.  In a regular deck remove face cards and have Ace = 1.  Need three people, one is the judge and the other two are players.  

Players decide if they will be given sums or products.   The judge shuffles the deck and then deals two cards, one to each player, face down so players can’t see the value of the card.  When the judge says “salute”  both players raise the card to their forehead without looking at the value on the card.  (At this point the player are facing each other and can see the value of the card on the opposite players head.)  The judge says the sum or the product of the        combined cards.  First player that is able to state the value of their card wins both cards played in that round.  

Play until you are through the deck of cards.  Player with the most cards wins. Winner becomes new judge.  (view on YouTube)

3rd Day of X-Math

Supplies: MANGO playing cards, remove the MANGO cards.  In a regular deck remove face cards and have Ace = 1. The object of the game is to reach the target number without going over.   2 to 4 players

Dealer gives each player 4 cards and then turns face up two cards, this is the target number  (if one of the cards is a 0 place it in the ones place, if a card is a 10, 11, or 12 the number will read as part of the now three-digit number, for example the two cards are 12 and a 4, the number is 124.  The remaining cards will be placed face down in the middle of the playing area, this is considered the “draw pile”.   One team will place cards on one side of the pile as their running total,  the other team will place their cards on the other side.  

Players will sit with their partner across from them.  Once the game begins they can not talk to their partner.   Taking turns, starting clockwise, players will place a card on their teams side, adding the numbers silently in their heads.   When a card is placed on the board a new card from the draw pile must be selected.  A player MUST play a card on their turn.  (Older student can use black as positive and red as negative)   Face cards or 11, 12, 0 (in MANGO deck) have a special play.

Jack/11 - allows a player to skip their turn without playing a card

Queen/12—allows a player to take one of the opponents played cards and play it on their side, (subtracting it from their opponents running total).

King/0—removes all of your opponents played cards to the discard pile.  

Winner is first team to reach the target number.  (view on YouTube)

4th Day of X-Math

Supplies: MANGO playing cards, remove the MANGO cards.  In a regular deck remove face cards and have Ace = 1.  For 2 players.  

The deck of cards is divided evenly between the two players. Object of the game is to state the least common multiple the quickest. Players will each lay a card face up on the table. The student that can state the least common multiple first wins the cards.  

For example, if a 2 and a 6 are both laid down, the least common multiple of the two cards is 6.  So first player that says 6 gets both cards.  If the players lay down the same card, they both lay three cards face down and the 4th card is turned face up.  First person to get the correct least common multiple wins all the cards.  

Play continues until one player gets all the cards or one player has the most cards.

5th Day of X-Math

Supplies: Scratch paper, MANGO playing cards, remove the MANGO cards.  In a regular deck remove face cards and have Ace = 1.  For 2 to 4 players.  The object of the game is to create zero value    using cards as integers.

Dealer deals 7 cards to each player.  Remaining cards form a draw pile in the middle of playing area.  Place top card face up next to draw pile.  On a turn players must follow this sequence.

  1. Draw card, either from the top of draw pile or the top of discard pile. (Player may choose to draw more than the top card from the discard pile but must take all the cards on top of it and must play the bottom card in a “zip” during that turn.)
  2. Play any “zips” (a zip consists of at least two cards from a player’s hand whose sum is 0. Black cards count as positive numbers and red cards count as negative numbers.)
  3. Discard one card, adding it face up to the top of the discard pile. The card should be placed so that the cards below can still be seen.  

If a player chooses to draw the top card on the discard pile in step 1, that card may not be    discarded during that turn.  

A player goes out when the last card in his/her hand is played as a discard.  The other players subtract the absolute value of any cards remaining in their hand from the absolute value of the cards they played in “zips”.   Play for at least 5 to 6 rounds, keeping score, player with low score wins.   (view on YouTube)

6th Day of X-Math

Supplies: MANGO playing cards, remove the 10s, 11s, 12s, & MANGO cards.  In a regular deck remove face cards and have Ace = 1.  For 2 to 4 players.  The  object of the game is to get closest to the target number.  

Dealer deals 4 cards to each player and then turns two cards face up.  The two digit number they create is the target number.  

Players use the 4 cards dealt to them to create two two-digit numbers that when added or subtracted get a total that is closest to the target number.    The closet number can be greater than, less than or equal to the target number.  Winner is dealer for the next round.

Example target number is 36, player is dealt 2, 5, 6, 0.  They can then create   either 25 + 06 = 31 or 60 - 25 = 35.  

Players can increase the size of the target number to a three- or four-digit  number.  Players then receive 6 to 8 cards each.  (view on YouTube)

7th Day of X-Math

Supplies: Two dice and MANGO playing cards In a  regular deck remove face cards and have Ace = 1.  For 1 player.  The object of the game is turn over as many cards as possible.  

Player places the cards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 face up in a row.  If using a regular deck leave out the 11 and 12s.  

Player will roll the dice and add the two numbers together to get a sum.  The player can then turn over the number that equals that sum or any two numbers when added together make up that sum.  So if a player rolls a 4 and a  5, they add it together to make 9.  They can turn over any one of these combinations;  the 9, or the 4 and 5, or 3 and 6, or 2 and 7 or 8 and 1.   Play continues until player rolls the dice and can not turn over any cards.  They then count out the number of cards that were left face up.  Play again and see if you can do better.  

(view on YouTube)

8th Day of X-Math

Supplies: scratch paper and MANGO playing cards, remove 10s, 11s, 12s, &  MANGO cards.  In a  regular deck remove face cards and have Ace = 1.  For 3 to 4 player.  The object of the game is to create the largest or smallest number.  

Each player creates a grid  1 x  5 on their piece of paper.  From right to left they label each box: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands.  

The dealer will state if they are playing for the largest number, smallest number or closest to a target number.

The dealer will draw one card at a time and state it aloud for the group.  Each player decides which place they will write the number on their grid.  With any 1 card per round the player can decide if they are going to use that number or discard that number.  After all 6 cards are stated aloud by the dealer the      players will decide which person got closest to the games target.  

Example:  Dealer draws a 6.  Players decided if they want to place that number in the 1s, 10s, 100s, 1000s, 10000 place or not use that number at all.   If they chose not to use that number they will need to use every other number drawn.  

9th Day of X-Math

Supplies: Scratch paper, MANGO playing cards, remove MANGO cards.  In a  regular deck   remove face cards and have Ace = 1.  For 2 to 4 player.  Create an equation that equals the target number.  

Dealer places 5 playing cards face up in the center of the playing area.  Then he turns over a sixth card which is the Target Card.  Each player will add, subtract, multiply or divide using each of the numbers on the five playing cards.       Fractions, decimals, negative numbers, roots, and exponents are permitted with older students.  Each card must be used once and only once to obtain a final solution equal to the number on the Target Card.  

  • Cards do not need to be used in the same order that they appear.
  • You do not need to use all four arithmetic operations.
  • You can use parentheses.
  • You can’t connect two digits to form a 2-digit number.

First player to create an equation that equals the target cards wins.

10th Day of X-Math

Supplies: MANGO playing cards, remove MANGO cards.  In a  regular deck   remove face cards and have Ace = 1.  For 2 to 4 player.  These game reinforces Median, Mean and Mode.  

  1. Mean Game: All players are dealt 7 cards. Each player adds up the value of the cards for a total value, then divides the total by 7 (total number of cards) to find the mean.   Example if the cards are 2, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, the sum of those cards is 46.  Divide the sum by 7 yields 6.57 round to 7.  So this round player would score 7.  
  2. Median Game: Each player is dealt 7 cards.  Each player is to find the      median card.  In the hand above it would be 7.  
  3. Mode Game: Each player finds the mode in their hand, in the game above the mode would be 2.   If there are two or more modes player gets point   value from all modes.  If there is no mode there is not points.

The winner of each game is the first person to score 21 points.  

11th Day of X-Math

Supplies: Scratch paper, MANGO playing cards, remove all cards except the 1, 2, 3, & 4 cards.  For 1 to 4 players.  The object of the game is to try and create as many totals in consecutive order from 1 to 32 using just  4 numbers.

Place the 1, 2, 3 & 4 cards face up in the middle of the play area.  Create     equations that equal each number in consecutive order from 1 to 32.  You can use any operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division but you can not use a number more than once.  You can use order of operations but you can’t use exponents or negative numbers.    

Example:  to get the total of 1 you can subtract 2 - 1 = 1,  to get the total of 2 you can use 4 - 2 = 2.  You can not use 1 + 1 because that is using one of the numbers two times.    See how far you can go!  

12th Day of X-Math

Supplies: MANGO playing cards, remove MANGO cards. In a regular deck remove face cards and have Ace = 1. For 2 to 4 players.  The object of the game is to try and get rid of all your cards.

Dealer shuffles deck and places top card face up in the middle of playing area.  The remaining cards are dealt evenly to all players face down.  Once the dealer says go players can pick up one card at a time and either play it or draw another card from their pile.  

Players can play cards accordingly.

Diamonds & Spades: player adds or subtracts 1

Hearts: player adds or subtracts 2

Clubs: player adds or subtracts 3

Example: If the first card that is face up is 8 of hearts, next card to be place on top of it would have to be either a 6 or a 10.  If one of the players lays down a 10 of clubs a player could lay down either a 7 or a 1 (called going around the bend).

If a player lays down an incorrect card another player can call him/her out and they would have to pick up the whole pile of discarded cards.  

First player to lay down their last card wins.