Government Funding Resources

Here is a partial list of federal and state programs that focus their giving on math education. If you know of a relevant grant or foundation that is not included on this list, please let us know.

21st Century Community Learning Centers  
This program provides money for before- and after-school programs, particularly for students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. There is a focus on meeting state and local standards in core subjects.

Charter Schools

This program provides funding to state agencies for purchasing educational
materials, equipment, or supplies for charter schools


This discretionary grant program is designed to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. These 6-year grants focus on high-poverty middle and high school students

Gifted and Talented Students

The purpose is to serve students (particularly the economically disadvantaged, disabled, or limited English proficient) who have been underrepresented in gifted and talented programs.

Innovative Education State Grants

This is a formula grant under Title V that stimulates educational innovation by encouraging broad-based reform efforts. Grants can be used for instructional and educational materials, technology, school improvement, school and education reform, and meeting the education needs of at-risk students.

Magnet Schools

These are competitive funds to enhance curriculum and attract racially diverse student populations. The program supports the implementation of courses of instruction in magnet schools that strengthen students’ knowledge of academic subjects and their grasp of tangible and marketable vocational skills.

Mathematics and Science Partnerships

This program encourages the formation of partnerships to improve performance in math and science. Funds may be used for professional development, summer workshops, science for kids, and distance learning programs.

National Science Foundation

NSF promotes and advances scientific programs in the United States and advances grants for science, math, and engineering research in education

Small Rural School Achievement Program

This program provides financial assistance to rural districts to assist them in meeting their state’s definition of adequate yearly progress (AYP). Applicants do not compete but rather are entitled to funds if they meet basic eligibility requirements. Funds can be used for programs such as 21st Century Community Learning Centers and Improving Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged

Title 1

The largest of the elementary- and secondary-education programs, this program requires states to develop standards in reading and math and assessments linked to those standards for students. The program is also structured to assist high-poverty schools in giving their students and equal opportunity to meet state standards.

Innovative State Grants

This is a formula grant under Title V which stimulates education innovation by encouraging broad-based reform efforts. The funds may be used for technology, professional development software, or curricular materials.

Education Funding Resources

Here is a partial list of private foundations that focus their giving on math education. If you know of a relevant grant or foundation that is not included on this list, please contact us and let us know.

3M Foundation
Promotes strong curricular development and creative problem-solving skills. Focuses on college readiness and access.

Abell Foundation
This program allocates grants for schools, hospitals, and human service organizations and reaches out to the disadvantaged in the Baltimore community and wider region.

Abington Foundation
Provides gifts for educational programs, particularly for development of these programs that stress math readiness

TE Grants

Fostering innovation through investments in education, with a focus on science, technology, engineering, and math

American Honda

The focus of these grants is on math, science, and technology

Asbury-Warren Foundation
This group funds educational projects for public as well as religious schools. Their projects lean toward the Appalachian region of the US

Braitmayer Foundation

Encourages innovative programs at a pre-collegiate level

Brinker International Foundation

This is a multifaceted company with a strong emphasis on educating on all levels, preschool through Grade 12.

Charles Lafitte Foundation

This foundation subscribes to innovation and creativity. There is a strong investment in experiential elements for students and aid for students with learning disabilities

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

The goals are to improve the welfare of low-income students and to sustain the ecosystem

Daniels Fund
(Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming)
This fund supports early childhood readiness and k-12 education reform. The education program funds curriculum and materials, capital construction and improvements, and teacher preparation and improvements.

Dekko Foundation
(Alabama, Indiana, Iowa)
This foundation favors early-learning and after-school programs. It is geared for preschool through age 18. The mission of any proposal must be strong and futuristic.

DuPage Community Foundation
Supports programs that further the arts, culture, education, and human services in the area of DuPage County, Illinois

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
This foundation believes that Students who understand the logic of math and science often become the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. Focused on advancing the number of students who will excel in math and science and become the next generation of entrepreneurs.

Frey Foundation
This foundation funds creative non-profits in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area that can generate better ideas for the best communities focused on affordable housing, education, and health and human services.

Gates Foundation

Supports raising graduation rates and graduates who will be strong citizens ready for college or the workplace.

Geraldine R Dodge Foundation
(New Jersey)
This foundation is primarily concerned with innovative instruction models to promote arts and STEM education. It focuses on meeting the needs of underserved students.

Hall Family Foundation
(Kansas City, Missouri)
This foundation’s early education grant seeks to promote excellence and access to a quality education. They focus on programs and projects that address the educational needs of urban school children with a particular interest in systemic reform/improvement efforts, closing achievement gaps and building human capital.

Hewlett Foundation
This education program makes grants to improve education by expanding the reach of openly available educational resources, improving California education policies, and by supporting “deeper learning” – a combination of the fundamental knowledge and practical basic skill all students need to succeed.

Inasmuch Foundation
(Oklahoma, Colorado)
This foundation funds education, health and human services, and community enhancement.

Jubitz Family Foundation
The mission is to enhance communities by strengthening families, respecting the natural environment, and foster peace. Focus is on early childhood development and youth education with an emphasis on children at risk.

Lilly Endowment
The endowment views education at all levels as indispensable to personal, civic, and economic success.

M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust
(Pacific Northwest)
The Trust’s mission is to enrich the quality of life in the Pacific Northwest by providing grants and enrichment programs to organizations seeking to strengthen the region’s educational, spiritual, and cultural base in creative and sustainable ways.

Motorola Foundation

Motorola supports programs to encourage science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in the US and around the world.

Tellabs Foundation

Supports local and national education initiatives, with a focus on engineering, science, mathematics, and technology.

Toshiba America Foundation

TAF grants fund the projects, ideas, and materials teachers need to innovate in their math and science classrooms.

Washington State STEM Education Foundation

This foundation is a national model for generating passionate support for science, technology, engineering and math in public education: Every Student, Every Day.

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Palm Desert, CA 92260
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